Based on data in OpenStreetMap, here is a list of townlands in the Electoral Division / ED / District Electoral Division of Beardiville.
Beardiville is in Co.
Beardiville is not matched up to yet.
It is located at 55° 10' 2" N, 6° 33' 32" W.
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Beardiville has an area of 22.8 km² / 5,623.9 acres / 8.8 square miles.
There are 33 townlands that we know about in . This represents 100% of all the area in .
Ballyclogh (Centre)
158 A, 2 R, 18 P
Ballyclogh (North)
78 A, 0 R, 28 P
Ballyclogh (North Centre)
78 A, 1 R, 21 P
Ballyclogh (South)
69 A, 3 R, 17 P
Ballyclogh (South Centre)
69 A, 0 R, 0 P
538 A, 0 R, 38 P
Ballyhunsley North
112 A, 0 R, 38 P
Ballyhunsley South
220 A, 1 R, 7 P
Ballyrock Irish
383 A, 2 R, 14 P
Ballyrock Scotch
148 A, 2 R, 13 P
Ballywatt East
100 A, 3 R, 26 P
Ballywatt Leggs
168 A, 1 R, 37 P
Ballywatt West
129 A, 1 R, 36 P
225 A, 3 R, 6 P
Carnglass Beg
54 A, 3 R, 8 P
Carnglass More
149 A, 3 R, 14 P
East Park
180 A, 0 R, 15 P
Flower Hill
193 A, 3 R, 13 P
Island Carragh North
204 A, 2 R, 26 P
Island Carragh South
139 A, 3 R, 22 P
221 A, 3 R, 29 P
103 A, 0 R, 23 P
121 A, 0 R, 16 P
221 A, 1 R, 3 P
Priestland East
165 A, 2 R, 24 P
Priestland West
238 A, 0 R, 1 P
Revallagh North
194 A, 1 R, 3 P
Revallagh South
222 A, 3 R, 28 P
152 A, 2 R, 11 P
116 A, 3 R, 5 P
133 A, 0 R, 31 P
170 A, 3 R, 29 P
West Park
157 A, 1 R, 5 P
Beardiville was added to OpenStreetMap on 25 Feb 2021 by b-unicycling.
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