Based on data in OpenStreetMap, here is a list of townlands in the Electoral Division / ED / District Electoral Division of Seacon.
Seacon is in Co.
Seacon is not matched up to yet.
It is located at 55° 5' 17" N, 6° 33' 41" W.
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Seacon has an area of 21.4 km² / 5,288.0 acres / 8.3 square miles.
There are 27 townlands that we know about in . This represents 100% of all the area in .
230 A, 1 R, 10 P
Ballygan Lower
132 A, 0 R, 29 P
Ballygan Upper
143 A, 0 R, 36 P
Ballynacree More
368 A, 2 R, 39 P
Ballynacree Skein
185 A, 2 R, 7 P
Ballywattick Lower
101 A, 1 R, 35 P
Ballywattick Middle
99 A, 0 R, 6 P
Ballywattick Upper
132 A, 0 R, 39 P
Ballywindelland Lower
104 A, 1 R, 29 P
Ballywindelland Upper
51 A, 0 R, 20 P
198 A, 1 R, 7 P
279 A, 1 R, 30 P
92 A, 3 R, 14 P
157 A, 1 R, 21 P
244 A, 0 R, 38 P
Fort Town
303 A, 2 R, 10 P
267 A, 3 R, 2 P
Kilmoyle Lower
149 A, 0 R, 25 P
Kilmoyle Upper
150 A, 2 R, 31 P
Macfinn Lower
107 A, 3 R, 9 P
Macfinn Upper
75 A, 1 R, 32 P
New Buildings North
320 A, 3 R, 6 P
Seacon Beg
238 A, 3 R, 9 P
Seacon Lower
285 A, 0 R, 8 P
Seacon More
210 A, 2 R, 30 P
215 A, 2 R, 8 P
442 A, 0 R, 11 P
Seacon was added to OpenStreetMap on 1 Mar 2021 by b-unicycling.
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