Based on data in OpenStreetMap, here is a list of townlands in Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion).
Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion) ist in den Baronien Fews Lower.
Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion) ist in den Grafschaften Armagh.
Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion) is not matched up to yet.
Befindet sich bei 54° 11' 32" N, 6° 29' 22" W.
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion) hat eine Fläche von 14,9 km² / 3,688,6 Acres / 5,8 Quadratmeilen.
There are 9 townlands that we know about in Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion). This represents 100% of all the area in Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion).
- Béal Leice (see Belleek (Béal Leice) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh)
- Belleek (Béal Leice) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh 981 A, 1 R, 29 P
- Carraig an eanaigh (see Carrickananny (Carraig an eanaigh) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh)
- Carraig Galloglach (see Carrickgallogly (Carraig Galloglach) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh)
- Carrickananny (Carraig an eanaigh) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh 160 A, 3 R, 34 P
- Carrickgallogly (Carraig Galloglach) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh 263 A, 0 R, 28 P
- Carrowmannan (Ceathrú Manainn) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh 1129 A, 0 R, 21 P
- Ceathrú Manainn (see Carrowmannan (Ceathrú Manainn) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh)
- Craobh Choilleach (see Greyhillan (Craobh Choilleach) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh)
- An Creagán (see Creggan Lower (An Creagán) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh)
- An Creagán (see Creggan Upper (An Creagán) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh)
- Creggan Lower (An Creagán) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh 219 A, 3 R, 21 P
- Creggan Upper (An Creagán) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh 196 A, 0 R, 13 P
- Droim an Chonnaidh (see Drumnahoney (Droim an Chonnaidh) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh)
- Droim na hUinsinne (see Drumnahunshin (Droim na hUinsinne) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh)
- Drumnahoney (Droim an Chonnaidh) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh 344 A, 0 R, 18 P
- Drumnahunshin (Droim na hUinsinne) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh 188 A, 0 R, 11 P
- Greyhillan (Craobh Choilleach) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh 205 A, 2 R, 32 P
- Lower Creggan (see Creggan Lower (An Creagán) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh)
- Upper Creggan (see Creggan Upper (An Creagán) , Gemeinde Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion), Baronie Fews Lower, Grafschaft Armagh)
Loughgilly (Lower Fews portion) wurde am 14 Aug 2016 von Stephen_Co_Antrim bei OpenStreetMap erfasst.
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