Based on data in OpenStreetMap, here is a list of townlands in Lisselton.
Lisselton is in the baronies of Iraghticonnor.
Lisselton is in the counties of Kerry.
Lisselton is on Lisselton.
It is located at 52° 30' 19" N, 9° 34' 44" W.
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Lisselton has an area of 27.8 km² / 6,878.7 acres / 10.7 square miles.
There are 25 townlands that we know about in Lisselton. This represents 100.0% of all the area in Lisselton.
- Baile an Ghabhann (see Ballingowan (Baile an Ghabhann) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Baile Uí Lochráin (see Ballyloughran (Baile Uí Lochráin) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Ballingowan (Baile an Ghabhann) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 145 A, 0 R, 1 P
- Ballyloughran (Baile Uí Lochráin) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 89 A, 1 R, 34 P
- An Barr Dubh (see Barraduff (An Barr Dubh) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Barraduff (An Barr Dubh) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 171 A, 2 R, 20 P
- Blackparks (An Pháirc Dhubh) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 33 A, 0 R, 3 P
- Cill Gharbháin (see Kilgarvan (Cill Gharbháin) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Curraghweesha, Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 193 A, 2 R, 18 P
- Dún Fhearghasa (see Dunferris (Dún Fhearghasa) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Dunferris (Dún Fhearghasa) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 160 A, 3 R, 31 P
- East Lacka (see Lacka East (An Leaca Thoir) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Farranastack (Fearann an Stacaigh) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 367 A, 3 R, 16 P
- Fearann an Stacaigh (see Farranastack (Fearann an Stacaigh) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Guhard North (Guthard Thuaidh) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 315 A, 3 R, 6 P
- Guhard South (Guthard Theas) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 410 A, 3 R, 17 P
- Guthard Theas (see Guhard South (Guthard Theas) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Guthard Thuaidh (see Guhard North (Guthard Thuaidh) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Kilcock Lower, Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 239 A, 1 R, 17 P
- Kilcock Upper, Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 290 A, 3 R, 13 P
- Kilgarvan (Cill Gharbháin) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 1168 A, 2 R, 6 P
- Killomeerhoe, Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 144 A, 0 R, 19 P
- Lacka East (An Leaca Thoir) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 181 A, 3 R, 17 P
- Lacka West (An Leaca Thiar) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 175 A, 1 R, 4 P
- Lackaboy (An Leaca Bhuí) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 161 A, 2 R, 21 P
- An Ladhar (see Lyre (An Ladhar) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Lahesheragh North (An Leathsheisreach Thuaidh) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 361 A, 3 R, 10 P
- Lahesheragh South (An Leathsheisreach Theas) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 198 A, 2 R, 22 P
- An Leaca Bhuí (see Lackaboy (An Leaca Bhuí) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- An Leaca Thiar (see Lacka West (An Leaca Thiar) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- An Leaca Thoir (see Lacka East (An Leaca Thoir) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- An Leathsheisreach Theas (see Lahesheragh South (An Leathsheisreach Theas) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- An Leathsheisreach Thuaidh (see Lahesheragh North (An Leathsheisreach Thuaidh) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Lisladraun, Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 54 A, 0 R, 4 P
- Na Locháin (see Loughanes (Na Locháin) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Loughanes (Na Locháin) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 387 A, 2 R, 30 P
- Lower Kilcock (see Kilcock Lower, Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Lyre (An Ladhar) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 186 A, 1 R, 3 P
- Maigh Bile Theas (see Moybella South (Maigh Bile Theas) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Maigh Bile Thuaidh (see Moybella North (Maigh Bile Thuaidh) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Moybella North (Maigh Bile Thuaidh) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 462 A, 2 R, 5 P
- Moybella South (Maigh Bile Theas) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 312 A, 1 R, 36 P
- North Guhard (see Guhard North (Guthard Thuaidh) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- North Lahesheragh (see Lahesheragh North (An Leathsheisreach Thuaidh) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- North Moybella (see Moybella North (Maigh Bile Thuaidh) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- An Pháirc Dhubh (see Blackparks (An Pháirc Dhubh) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- An Ráth Rua (see Rathroe (An Ráth Rua) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Rathroe (An Ráth Rua) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 157 A, 2 R, 24 P
- South Guhard (see Guhard South (Guthard Theas) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- South Lahesheragh (see Lahesheragh South (An Leathsheisreach Theas) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- South Moybella (see Moybella South (Maigh Bile Theas) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Upper Kilcock (see Kilcock Upper, Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Urlaí (see Urlee (Urlaí) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
- Urlee (Urlaí) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry 505 A, 0 R, 10 P
- West Lacka (see Lacka West (An Leaca Thiar) , Lisselton Civil Parish, Barony of Iraghticonnor, Co. Kerry)
Lisselton was added to OpenStreetMap on 2 Aug 2016 by Teester.
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