Here are some details about Co. Armagh based on data in OpenStreetMap. (Débug des chevauchements et de la couverture)

Armagh est sur Armagh.


Armagh a une superficie de 1,326,1 km² / 327,691,9 acres / 512,0 miles carrés.

Armagh has a total water area of 68,580,592,3 m², which is 5,2% of the total area


There are 6 baronies in Co. Armagh that we know about. You may wish to compare this list (below) with Liste des baronnies de Armagh de Wikipedia.

Paroisses civiles

There are 43 civil parishes in Co. Armagh that we know about. You may wish to compare this list (below) with Liste des paroisses civiles de Armagh de Wikipedia.

Divisions électorales

There are 70 electoral divisions in Co. Armagh that we know about.


There are 959 townlands that we know about in Co. Armagh. This represents 100% of all the area in Co. Armagh. You may wish to compare this list (below) with Liste des townlands de Armagh de Wikipedia.


There are 182 subtownlands that we know about in Co. Armagh.

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Armagh a été ajouté à OpenStreetMap le 10 Aoû 2010 par Polarbear.


Débug des chevauchements et de la couverture

Combien de temps il nous faudra pour finir Armagh ?