Based on data in OpenStreetMap, here is a list of townlands in Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion).
Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion) fait partie des baronnies de Fews Lower.
Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion) fait partie des comtés de Armagh.
Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion) is not matched up to yet.
Il est situé à 54° 19' 34" N, 6° 32' 3" W.
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion) a une superficie de 32,0 km² / 7,903,7 acres / 12,3 miles carrés.
There are 39 townlands that we know about in Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion). This represents 100% of all the area in Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion).
- Baile an Eanaigh (see Ballyanny (Baile an Eanaigh) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Baile Leitreach (see Lattery (Baile Leitreach) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Baile na Cora (see Corry (Baile na Cora) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Baile na gcrúbanach (see Ballygroobany (Baile na gcrúbanach) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Baile na nAireamh (see Ballynewry (Baile na nAireamh) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Ballyanny (Baile an Eanaigh) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 43 A, 2 R, 34 P
- Ballygroobany (Baile na gcrúbanach) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 276 A, 3 R, 2 P
- Ballynewry (Baile na nAireamh) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 414 A, 1 R, 4 P
- Bréandroim (see Bryandrum (Bréandroim) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Bryandrum (Bréandroim) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 126 A, 0 R, 28 P
- Cabrach (see Cabragh (Cabrach) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Cabragh (Cabrach) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 24 A, 1 R, 20 P
- Carrowmoney (Ceathrú Móine) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 59 A, 2 R, 0 P
- Ceathramh muine (see Rocks (Ceathramh muine) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Ceathrú Móine (see Carrowmoney (Ceathrú Móine) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Coill Throdáin (see Killyruddan (Coill Throdáin) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Coolmillish (Cúil Mheallghuis) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 333 A, 2 R, 4 P
- Cor-na-Craoibhe (see Cornacrew (Cor-na-Craoibhe) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Cornacrew (Cor-na-Craoibhe) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 150 A, 1 R, 11 P
- Corry (Baile na Cora) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 254 A, 2 R, 12 P
- Cró Neachtain (see Crunaght (Cró Neachtain) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Crunaght (Cró Neachtain) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 29 A, 0 R, 1 P
- Cúil Mheallghuis (see Coolmillish (Cúil Mheallghuis) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Derrynaught (Doire Neacht) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 263 A, 2 R, 15 P
- Derryraine (Doire Rian) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 181 A, 3 R, 27 P
- Doire Lis Muilinn (see Dunesmullan (Doire Lis Muilinn) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Doire Neacht (see Derrynaught (Doire Neacht) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Doire Rian (see Derryraine (Doire Rian) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Droim an Tí (see Drumatee (Droim an Tí) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Droim Argana (see Drumorgan (Droim Argana) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Droim Fearghuis (see Drumfergus (Droim Fearghuis) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Droim Leac (see Drumlack (Droim Leac) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Dromainn (see Drumman (Dromainn) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Dromainn an Chaoich (see Drumachee (Dromainn an Chaoich) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Druim innis (see Drumennis (Druim innis) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Druim Sabhaise (see Drumsavage (Druim Sabhaise) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Druim sealain (see Drumshallan (Druim sealain) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Druimbidh croise (see Drumbeecross (Druimbidh croise) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Drum-na-gcloidhe (see Drumnagloy (Drum-na-gcloidhe) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Drumachee (Dromainn an Chaoich) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 452 A, 1 R, 24 P
- Drumatee (Droim an Tí) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 290 A, 1 R, 29 P
- Drumbeecross (Druimbidh croise) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 121 A, 2 R, 16 P
- Drumennis (Druim innis) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 156 A, 3 R, 2 P
- Drumfergus (Droim Fearghuis) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 84 A, 2 R, 30 P
- Drumlack (Droim Leac) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 81 A, 1 R, 32 P
- Drumman (Dromainn) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 215 A, 3 R, 3 P
- Drumnagloy (Drum-na-gcloidhe) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 52 A, 1 R, 8 P
- Drumorgan (Droim Argana) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 280 A, 3 R, 4 P
- Drumsavage (Druim Sabhaise) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 183 A, 0 R, 0 P
- Drumshallan (Druim sealain) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 127 A, 0 R, 22 P
- Dunesmullan (Doire Lis Muilinn) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 148 A, 0 R, 14 P
- Garbh-achadh (see Garvagh (Garbh-achadh) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Garvagh (Garbh-achadh) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 142 A, 1 R, 33 P
- Gosford Demesne, Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 641 A, 1 R, 12 P
- Hamiltonsbawn, Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 291 A, 2 R, 10 P
- Johnstown, Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 44 A, 1 R, 28 P
- Killyruddan (Coill Throdáin) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 232 A, 0 R, 35 P
- Lattery (Baile Leitreach) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 289 A, 3 R, 24 P
- Léana Liath (see Lenalea (Léana Liath) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Lenalea (Léana Liath) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 286 A, 0 R, 20 P
- An Lorga Bhuí (see Lurgaboy (An Lorga Bhuí) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Lurgaboy (An Lorga Bhuí) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 226 A, 3 R, 4 P
- Macantrim (Machaire an Troim) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 166 A, 1 R, 7 P
- Machaire an Troim (see Macantrim (Machaire an Troim) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Machaire Dubhmachaire (see Magherydogherty (Machaire Dubhmachaire) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Magherydogherty (Machaire Dubhmachaire) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 443 A, 2 R, 14 P
- Maigh Loirg (see Mullurg (Maigh Loirg) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- An Mullach Bán (see Mullaghbane (An Mullach Bán) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- An Mullach Breac (see Mullaghbrack (An Mullach Breac) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Mullaghbane (An Mullach Bán) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 97 A, 0 R, 6 P
- Mullaghbrack (An Mullach Breac) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 254 A, 1 R, 14 P
- Mullurg (Maigh Loirg) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 191 A, 0 R, 15 P
- Ratarnet (An Ráth Tarnocht) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 203 A, 0 R, 13 P
- An Ráth Tarnocht (see Ratarnet (An Ráth Tarnocht) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh)
- Rocks (Ceathramh muine) , Paroisse civile Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion), Baronnie de Fews Lower, Comté Armagh 41 A, 0 R, 32 P
Mullaghbrack (Lower Fews portion) a été ajouté à OpenStreetMap le 14 Aoû 2016 par Stephen_Co_Antrim.
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