Based on data in OpenStreetMap, here is a list of townlands in Derrygrath.
Derrygrath fait partie des baronnies de Iffa and Offa West.
Derrygrath fait partie des comtés de Tipperary.
Derrygrath est sur Derrygrath.
Il est situé à 52° 21' 20" N, 7° 50' 25" W.
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Derrygrath a une superficie de 15,3 km² / 3,791,3 acres / 5,9 miles carrés.
There are 17 townlands that we know about in Derrygrath. This represents 82,0% of all the area in Derrygrath.
- Baile an Donaigh Thiar (see Ballindoney West (Baile an Donaigh Thiar) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- Baile an Donaigh Thoir (see Ballindoney East (Baile an Donaigh Thoir) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- Baile Niocóil (see Nicholastown (Baile Niocóil) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- Baile Thomáis (see Thomastown (Baile Thomáis) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- Ballindoney East (Baile an Donaigh Thoir) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary 9 A, 3 R, 37 P
- Ballindoney West (Baile an Donaigh Thiar) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary 588 A, 0 R, 5 P
- An Carragán (see Carragaun (An Carragán) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- Carragaun (An Carragán) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary 115 A, 1 R, 39 P
- An Chrotach Theas (see Crutta South (An Chrotach Theas) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- An Chrotach Thuaidh (see Crutta North (An Chrotach Thuaidh) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- Cill Mhuire (see Kilmurry (Cill Mhuire) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- Cnoc na Caillí (see Cuckoohill (Cnoc na Caillí) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- Cnoicín Risteaird (see Knockinrichard (Cnoicín Risteaird) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- An Coimín Thiar (see Commons-entire East (An Coimín Thiar) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- An Coimín Thoir (see Commons-entire West (An Coimín Thoir) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- Commons-entire East (An Coimín Thiar) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary 105 A, 1 R, 7 P
- Commons-entire West (An Coimín Thoir) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary 7 A, 2 R, 36 P
- An Corrlios (see Woodrooff (An Corrlios) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- Crutta North (An Chrotach Thuaidh) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary 20 A, 3 R, 21 P
- Crutta South (An Chrotach Theas) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary 49 A, 0 R, 4 P
- Cuckoohill (Cnoc na Caillí) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary 139 A, 1 R, 39 P
- Deargráth Íochtarach (see Derrygrath Lower (Deargráth Íochtarach) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- Deargráth Uachtarach (see Derrygrath Upper (Deargráth Uachtarach) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- Derrygrath Lower (Deargráth Íochtarach) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary 483 A, 1 R, 14 P
- Derrygrath Upper (Deargráth Uachtarach) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary 110 A, 2 R, 31 P
- East Ballindoney (see Ballindoney East (Baile an Donaigh Thoir) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- East Commons-entire (see Commons-entire East (An Coimín Thiar) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- An Garraí Rua (see Garryroe (An Garraí Rua) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- Garryroe (An Garraí Rua) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary 114 A, 0 R, 32 P
- Kilmurry (Cill Mhuire) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary 93 A, 2 R, 13 P
- Knockinrichard (Cnoicín Risteaird) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary 25 A, 1 R, 1 P
- Lios na Muice (see Lisnamuck (Lios na Muice) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- Lisnamuck (Lios na Muice) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary 367 A, 0 R, 32 P
- Lower Derrygrath (see Derrygrath Lower (Deargráth Íochtarach) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- Nicholastown (Baile Niocóil) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary 426 A, 0 R, 30 P
- North Crutta (see Crutta North (An Chrotach Thuaidh) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- South Crutta (see Crutta South (An Chrotach Theas) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- Thomastown (Baile Thomáis) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary 176 A, 1 R, 4 P
- Upper Derrygrath (see Derrygrath Upper (Deargráth Uachtarach) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- West Ballindoney (see Ballindoney West (Baile an Donaigh Thiar) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- West Commons-entire (see Commons-entire West (An Coimín Thoir) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary)
- Woodrooff (An Corrlios) , Paroisse civile Derrygrath, Baronnie de Iffa and Offa West, Comté Tipperary 275 A, 2 R, 14 P
Derrygrath a été ajouté à OpenStreetMap le 25 Jul 2016 par Teester.
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