Based on data in OpenStreetMap, here is a list of townlands in the Electoral Division / ED / District Electoral Division of Newtownsandes.
Newtownsandes is in Co.
Newtownsandes is not matched up to yet.
It is located at 52° 28' 50" N, 9° 21' 45" W.
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Newtownsandes has an area of 37.3 km² / 9,209.3 acres / 14.4 square miles.
There are 18 townlands that we know about in . This represents 100% of all the area in .
Átha Leathana
773 A, 1 R, 26 P
Binn an Easpaig
580 A, 1 R, 7 P
Cluain Braon
316 A, 0 R, 5 P
Cluain Pruachais
250 A, 1 R, 16 P
An Chos
149 A, 1 R, 33 P
197 A, 0 R, 33 P
Gort Droma Gamhnach
1199 A, 0 R, 14 P
746 A, 3 R, 31 P
882 A, 1 R, 22 P
Cill Bheathach Mhéanach
239 A, 2 R, 34 P
Cill Bheathach Thuaidh
438 A, 0 R, 7 P
Cill Bheathach Theas
257 A, 2 R, 21 P
Cill Bheathach Thiar
154 A, 1 R, 31 P
Lios an Uisce
752 A, 3 R, 10 P
Maigh Mheáin Thuaidh
454 A, 3 R, 9 P
Maigh Mheáin Theas
431 A, 1 R, 31 P
Maigh Oirthir
582 A, 1 R, 34 P
Tobar an Tuairín
802 A, 2 R, 33 P
Newtownsandes was added to OpenStreetMap on 7 Ean 2017 by Teester.
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