Based on data in OpenStreetMap, here is a list of townlands in the Electoral Division / ED / District Electoral Division of Rackwallace.
Rackwallace is in Co.
Rackwallace is not matched up to yet.
It is located at 54° 13' 9" N, 6° 54' 53" W.
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Rackwallace has an area of 23.5 km² / 5,812.3 acres / 9.1 square miles.
There are 38 townlands that we know about in . This represents 100% of all the area in .
Achadh Laifeartaigh
76 A, 3 R, 2 P
Achadh an Tamhain
104 A, 0 R, 6 P
Achadh na gCeap
218 A, 1 R, 17 P
152 A, 2 R, 25 P
An tEanach Rua
129 A, 2 R, 20 P
320 A, 1 R, 37 P
Baile Crannóige
71 A, 1 R, 29 P
Baile Mhic Fhearbáin
109 A, 2 R, 28 P
An Bheitheach
81 A, 3 R, 13 P
108 A, 3 R, 19 P
Carraig an Fhuaráin
137 A, 2 R, 32 P
Cúil Mholt
115 A, 2 R, 2 P
Corr Mhurchaidh
82 A, 3 R, 6 P
Corr na Craoibhe
119 A, 0 R, 16 P
Corr Aonghasa
97 A, 3 R, 12 P
An Chraobh
157 A, 2 R, 7 P
Na Crosa
271 A, 2 R, 36 P
Crois Aodha
165 A, 3 R, 26 P
Coill Fhiodh Dubh
54 A, 3 R, 30 P
97 A, 3 R, 11 P
Fiodh Bán
87 A, 3 R, 20 P
An Ghréach Ghlas
187 A, 0 R, 6 P
Coill Ó Mearlaigh
180 A, 3 R, 1 P
Log na Craoibhe
286 A, 2 R, 19 P
Lios Dhroim Dabhach
102 A, 3 R, 32 P
Lios Liatroma
141 A, 1 R, 21 P
137 A, 1 R, 35 P
Lios Rátha Éignigh
89 A, 2 R, 20 P
Na Maola
243 A, 2 R, 8 P
An Mullach Mór
123 A, 0 R, 0 P
130 A, 3 R, 0 P
Ráth Mhic Mhalais
309 A, 1 R, 29 P
Ráth Droma
163 A, 1 R, 27 P
Ráth Caorach
138 A, 2 R, 9 P
Ráth Manaigh
112 A, 2 R, 8 P
Tír Fheannóg
93 A, 1 R, 15 P
Tamhnaigh Scafaí
440 A, 1 R, 30 P
Tulaigh na Siolfartaí
168 A, 3 R, 17 P
Rackwallace was added to OpenStreetMap on 16 Feabh 2017 by Teester.
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